Back on air

by darribas

So this morning got on a plane again. Pretty early, as usual, and pretty tired, as usual too, again hitting the road. I’ve found (again) an excuse good enough to spend some (more) time away from my beloved ones; this time I will spend four months at the Department of Spatial Economics of the Free University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) pushing forward my dissertation and whatever else tomorrow brings up. I’m totally braindead right now, after fliying, carrying my three bags around all day and fixing a little bit my new home, but somehow this song has got me writing…

I sort of feel like travelling again. A month ago, when I got back from India all I wanted was to find a little peace of mind and rest of planes, airports, continents, time lags and new things; just some time in an evironment I knew very well with people to whom I didn’t have to explain anything because they knew it before I’d open my mouth. That’s been pretty much my August: (almost) no planes, family, friends and my hometown. But this is a luxury I think I can’t afford right now. I feel like I have to go out there again, discover and live more because tomorrow might be too late or might just not be. So here I am, while all my friends are clebrating one of them’s birthday, I’m in front of a window where the white apple of my laptop reflects and beyond which there’s a whole great city waiting with more adventures to come. But that starts tomorrow, now I’m off, bed calls…